„Thank you, Donald, for that well-meant but rather pedestrian introduction. Regarding yourself, I quote from the third part of Shakespeare’s Henry VI, Act Two, Scene One. Richard speaks, “Were thy heart as hard as steel/ As thou hast shown it flinty by thy deeds/ I come to pierce it, or to give thee mine.” To translate into your own idiom, Donald; you’re a yo-yo. Now I direct my remarks to Dean Martin, who is being honored here tonight… for reasons that completely elude me. No, I’m not being fair to Dean because – this is true – in his way Dean, and I know him very well, has the soul of a poet. I’m told that in his most famous song Dean authored a lyric which is so romantic, so touching that it will be enjoyed by generations of lovers until the end of time. Let’s share it together. [Opens a songsheet for Dean’s “That’s Amore” and reads in a monotone] “When the moon hits your eye/ Like a big pizza-pie/ That’s amore” Now, that’s what I call ‘touching’, Dean. It has all the romanticism of a Ty-D-Bol commercial. “When the world seems to shine/ Like you’ve had too much wine/ That’s amore” What a profound thought. It could be inscribed forever on a cocktail napkin. Hey, there’s more. “Tippy-tippy-tay/ Like a gay tarantella” Like a gay tarantella? Apparently, Dean has a ‘side Dean’ we know nothing about. “When the stars make you drool/ Just like a pasta fazool…. Scuzza me, but you see/ Back in old Napoli/ That’s amore” No, Dean; that’s infermo, Italian for “sickened”. Now, lyrics like that – lyrics like that ought to be issued with a warning: a song like that is hazardous to your health. Ladies and gentlemen… [motions to Dean] you are looking at the end result!“
