
„[I’ve changed a bit here – see youtube video “Jordan Peterson – Are YOU Antisocial?!”] We have these shared frames of reference, like when we’re playing monopoly. Children at three learn to play games, which means that they learn to organize their own internal motivational states into a hierarchy that includes the emotional states of other people. And that means they can play. And that’s what everyone does when they’re out in the world. That’s why we can go about our daily business – we all know the rules. That’s why we can sit in the same room without fighting each other. Because you’re smart and socially conscious, you can walk into a room full of people and know what to do. If you’re civilized and social you can just do it, and you can predict what all the other primates are up to, and they won’t kill you. That’s what it means to be part of the same tribe. People are very peculiar creatures and God only knows what they’re up to. As long as they’re playing the same game that you are, you don’t have to know what they’re up to, and you can predict what they’re going to do because you understand their motivational states. And so, part of the building and constructing of higher order moral goals is the establishment of joint frames of reference that allow multiple people to pursue the goals that they’re interested in simultaneously. Not all shared frames of reference can manage that. There’s a small subset of them that are optimized so that not only can multiple people play them, but multiple people can play them, AND enjoy them, AND do it repeatedly across a long period of time. So it’s iterability that partly defines the utility of a higher order moral structure, and that is not arbitrary. It’s an emergent property of biological interactions. It’s not arbitrary at all, because a lot of what’s constraining your games is your motivational substructure and those ancient circuits that are status oriented, which operate within virtually every animal. Virtually every animal has a status counter. Creatures organize themselves into dominance hierarchies. The reason they do that is because that works. It’s a solution to the Darwinian problem of existence. It’s not just an epiphenomena. It’s the real thing. So your environment is fundamentally dominance hierarchy, plus God only knows where you are. And that’s order and chaos. And part of the reason people fight to preserve their dominance hierarchies is because it’s better to be a slave who knows what the hell is going on than someone who is thrown screaming and naked into the jungle at night. And that’s the difference between order and chaos. And we like order better than chaos and it’s no wonder. And invite a little chaos in for entertainment now and then, but it has to be done voluntarily, and generally you don’t want the kind of chaos that upsets your entire conceptual structure. You’re willing to fool around on the fringes a little bit, but you know, when the going gets serious you’re pretty much likely to bail out.“