
„Thank you, Donald, for that well-meant but rather pedestrian introduction. Regarding yourself, I quote from the third part of Shakespeare’s Henry VI, Act Two, Scene One. Richard speaks, “Were thy heart as hard as steel/ As thou hast shown it flinty by thy deeds/ I come to pierce it, or to give thee mine.” To translate into your own idiom, Donald; you’re a yo-yo. Now I direct my remarks to Dean Martin, who is being honored here tonight… for reasons that completely elude me. No, I’m not being fair to Dean because – this is true – in his way Dean, and I know him very well, has the soul of a poet. I’m told that in his most famous song Dean authored a lyric which is so romantic, so touching that it will be enjoyed by generations of lovers until the end of time. Let’s share it together. [Opens a songsheet for Dean’s “That’s Amore” and reads in a monotone] “When the moon hits your eye/ Like a big pizza-pie/ That’s amore” Now, that’s what I call ‘touching’, Dean. It has all the romanticism of a Ty-D-Bol commercial. “When the world seems to shine/ Like you’ve had too much wine/ That’s amore” What a profound thought. It could be inscribed forever on a cocktail napkin. Hey, there’s more. “Tippy-tippy-tay/ Like a gay tarantella” Like a gay tarantella? Apparently, Dean has a ‘side Dean’ we know nothing about. “When the stars make you drool/ Just like a pasta fazool…. Scuzza me, but you see/ Back in old Napoli/ That’s amore” No, Dean; that’s infermo, Italian for “sickened”. Now, lyrics like that – lyrics like that ought to be issued with a warning: a song like that is hazardous to your health. Ladies and gentlemen… [motions to Dean] you are looking at the end result!“
„My father once told me that the art of receiving a compliment is, of all things, the sign of a civilized man. He died soon afterwards, leaving my education in this important matter sadly incomplete; I’m only glad that, on this, the occasion of the rarest compliment he ever could have dreamed of, that he isn’t here to see his son so publicly at a loss. In receiving a compliment, or in trying to, the words are all worn out by now. They’re polluted by ham and corn. And, when you try to scratch around for some new ones, it’s just an exercise in empty cleverness. What I feel this evening, is not very clever. it’s the very opposite of emptiness. The corny old phrase is the only one I know to say it: my heart is full; with a full heart, with all of it, I thank you. This is Samuel Johnson, on the subject of what he calls contrarieties: “there are goods, so opposed that we cannot seize both, and, in trying, fail to seize either. Flatter not yourself, he says, with contrarieties. Of the blessings set before you, make your choice. No man can, at the same time, fill his cup from the source, and from the mouth of the nile.” For this business of contrarieties has to do with us. With you, who are paying me this compliment, and for me, who has strayed so far from this hometown of ours. Not that I am alone in this, or unique, I am never that; but there are a few of us left in this conglomerated world of us who still trudge stubbornly along this lonely rocky road; and this is in fact our contrariety. We don’t move nearly as fast as our cousins on the freeway; we don’t even get as much accomplished just as the family sized farm can’t possibly raise as many crops or get as much profit as the agricultural factory of today. What we do come up with has no special right to call itself better it’s just.. different. No if there’s any excuse for us it all, it’s that we’re simply following the old American tradition of the maverick, and we are a vanishing breed. This honor I can only accept in the name of all the mavericks. And also, as a tribute to the generosity of all the rest of you; to the givers, to the ones with fixed addresses. A maverick may go his own way but he doesn’t think that it’s the only way, or ever claim that it’s the best one, except maybe for himself. And don’t imagine that this raggle-taggle gypsy-o is claiming to be free. It’s just that some of the necessities to which I am a slave are different from yours. As a director, for instance, I pay myself out of my acting jobs. I use my own work to subsidize my work (in other words I’m crazy). But not crazy enough to pretend to be free. But it’s a fact that many of the films you’ve seen tonight could never have been made otherwise. Or, if otherwise, well, they might have been better, but certainly they wouldn’t have been mine. The truth is I don’t believe that this great evening would ever have brightened my life if it wasn’t for this: my own, particular, contrariety. Let us raise our cups, then, standing as some of us do on opposite ends of the river, to what really matters to us all: to our crazy, beloved profession, to the movies — to good movies, to every possible kind.“