„We,” he said, not without complacency, “are different. We attest the divine paradox. We are barren only to be fertile. We proclaim the primary reality of the world of the spirit which has an infinitude of mansions for an infinitude of human souls. And you too are different. Your destiny is of the rarest kind. You will live to proclaim the love of Christ for man and man for Christ in a figure of earthly love.” Preacher’s rhetoric; it would have been better in Italian, which thrives on melodious meaninglessness.I said, with the same weariness as before, “My destiny is to live in a state of desire both church and state condemn and to grow sourly rich in the purveying of a debased commodity. I’ve just finished a novel which, when I’d read it through in typescript, made me feel sick to my stomach. And yet it’s what people want — the evocation of a past golden time when there was no Mussolini or Hitler or Franco, when gods were paid for with sovereigns, Elgar’s Symphony Number One in A flat trumpeted noblimente a massive hope in the future, and the romantic love of a shopgirl and a younger son of the aristocracy portended a healthful inflection but not destruction of the inherited social pattern. Comic servants and imperious duchesses. Hansom cabs and racing at Ascot. Fascists and democrats alike will love it. My destiny is to create a kind of underliterature that lacks all whiff of the subversive.“
