„Through all the years that I have been in business I have never yet found our business bad as a result of any outside force. It has always been due to some defect in our own company, and whenever we located and repaired that defect our business became good again – regardless of what anyone else might be doing. And it will always be found that this country has nationally bad business when business men are drifting, and that business is good when men take hold of their own affairs, put leadership into them, and push forward in spite of obstacles. Only disaster can result when the fundamental principles of business are disregarded and what looks like the easiest way is taken. These fundamentals, as I see them, are:(1) To make an ever increasingly large quantity of goods of the best possible quality, to make them in the best and most economical fashion, and to force them out onto the market.(2) To strive always for higher quality and lower prices as well as lower costs.(3) To raise wages gradually but continuously B and never to cut them.(4) To get the goods to the consumer in the most economical manner so that the benefits of low cost production may reach him.These fundamentals are all summed up in the single word ‘service’… The service starts with discovering what people need and then supplying that need according to the principles that have just been given.“
