„Without the support of your father (practically and metaphysically), without that behind you, without the knowledge of you as both a biological and cultural creature, with that depth of knowledge, you don’t have the courage to do it, because you don’t know what you are or what you could be. And so without that – because you’re a historical creature, so you need all this collected wisdom, and all this dream-like information, and all this mythology and all this narrative, to inform you about what you are beyond what you see of yourself. And you’re pummeled down, and people picked on you, and there’s fifty things about you that are horrible, and you have a self-esteem problem, and you’re sort of hunched over – you’ve got all these problems, and so it’s not easy to see the divinity that lurks behind that. Unless you’re aware of the heroic stories of the past – the metaphysics of consciousness – I don’t think you can have the courage that regards yourself as the sort of creature that can stand up underneath that intense existential burden and move forward in courage and grace.“
