„In Reading [England] there is this thing called the IDR, short for “Inner Distribution Road”, which is bureaucratese for “Big thing that cost a lot of money and relieves traffic problems, provided all your traffic wants to orbit the town centre permanently”. It’s a 2-3 lane dual carriageway that goes round the town centre. It has lots of roundabouts, an overhead section, a couple of spare motorway-like exits (that’s British motorways — y’know, the roundabout with the main road going under it), and a thing called the Watlington Street Gyratory, where you have to get in lane for your intended destination about three years and two corners before you get there with no signposting. I used to cycle along it every day to get to school, before I fell off at 35 mph. [Kids! Don’t try this at home! ] I know it well. I believe it is impossible to leave Reading heading west.“
